Complete Compliance - turning a business ‘cost’ into a full-blown money making service!
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Get the inside track on how you can turn what, to many MSPs, is a hindrance and time sap into a reliable revenue stream that your customers will be delighted with! During this session we draw upon our Compliance expertise to share the little known steps MSPs want to know in order to master Compliance. We’ll take you through streamlining internal processes and operations, reducing overheads and time spent, ticking compliance boxes automatically as you go. We’ll also show you how to price, package and sell Compliance as a Service. Internally and externally, when it comes to Compliance, this webinar has you covered!
Ready to turn Compliance from Pain to Profit? Join the session to discover the opportunity that Compliance presents to MSPs and how you can lead the way in removing the burden from your clients, and make money! Session highlights:
- Dissecting MSP Compliance: how to ensure both your service and your clients are ‘watertight’ compliant
- Understanding the Compliance landscape and how to build and sell a Compliance service your clients can trust
- Live Compliance focused demo sessions sowing you exactly how these killer tools will remove the burden of compliance from your MSP. We’ll be using real, contextual examples so you can see how the solutions will help you day-to-day.
We'll show you how:
- IT Glue ensures your internal processes and documentation are set up to make compliance a breeze, reducing overheads and time spent on laborious admin tasks!
- How RapidFire Tools' Compliance Manager utilises Automated Data Collection and Validation to save you time and give you peace of mind.
- We'll also show you how the solution is versatile enough to support virtually any compliance standard and makes your life easier with a dedicated Process Wizard!