More MSPs are now using third party providers of technical services, particularly in security. Matt Takhar, CEO of Inbay says the crisis has dramatically accelerated the process of outsourcing technical support by MSPs. He says his business has responded with extra services, even more agility and is now offering dedicated technical staff as well as end client marketing material. Some MSPs now use Inbay as their only technical department, he says.
With everyone now working from different locations, people have got used to outsourcing, used to communicating differently and working with new tools to enable communications.
“That is a change in the industry and has created a lot of interest in our Dedicated Technicians for MSPs, especially in the last few months.’
In future a lot more MSPs will work in this way, he says. “It has been a long-term trend and I see it accelerating now as outsourcing benefits are clear, especially where the model is right – as an extension to the team.