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Channel must reinvent itself - Verizon

The pace of change, as revealed at last month's European Software and Solutions Summit, means that supply channels and resellers have to remake themselves for the new model

John Madelin, VP EMEA marketing at Verizon, speaking at the European Software and Solutions Summit last month: "The channel has to reinvent itself – the pace of movement is away from the traditional selling of software and hardware and licensing – those business models are going, so we are being forced into finding new ways to drive value. I think there are growing examples of different connected business models with more intelligent and more powerful and integrated networks and more devices create a perfect storm that is driving these new technology models. I'm very interested in the brokerage between the big connected solution providers like Verizon and customers who are getting more creative."

"It is great to see the appetite of some of your attendees in finding those new models. We looked at the growth markets – access and identity and M2M, and on a global level, this is worth trillions, a huge space and it is clear that the people are here to learn and recognise the opportunity."