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Get users on board to build security, managed services event told

Interview with ESET's security specialist at MSHS 2016

From an MSP point of view, the news this year is that the biggest threat is ransomware, Mark James (below), ESET's Security Specialist told the Managed Services and Hosting Summit in London. The MSP needs to make sure they can give the customer as much information as possible. "The biggest problem we face in this industry is having the right information so we can make the right decision on data and risk. The issue with data breaches is that it is very difficult to stop them, but it is not difficult to do all you can and information is key."

“The best thing MSPs can do is ensure that customers and their customers have the right information."

When it comes to getting customers on board and involving everyone in security, it is no longer the job of the software. "Once we though having a piece of software on the machine was sufficient. It is not now. You need to make sure you have software, policies, user education and awareness. The problem with user education and awareness is making sure that your users understand how much of an integral part they are of that. There is no point having policies in place if the user does not understand why they are there. If the user feels part of the security, from my point of view, that makes them more of an asset."

"Users are said to be the weakest link, and I understand that. A lot of the breaches are user related – not knowingly, but tricked or pushed into doing something they don't want to do. If they are an integral part and feel they are a part of this, then they might just think twice before doing something risky."

"There is just so much information, and if people can't get the right answers, they either will not bother or they will make it up. They have some information, but what we need is good, concise information and this is what MSPs can bring to their customers," he concludes.  

Learn more about the next Managed Services event - Amsterdam, December 2016 here 
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