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Microsoft strengthens virtualisation love-in with Nerdio

Microsoft strengthens virtualisation love-in with Nerdio

Nerdio and Microsoft are continuing to jointly attack the desktop virtualisation space, not only seeking to benefit from the turmoil being seen at rivals such as VMware and Citrix, but also laying out the partner opportunities that can be delivered through AI and integrated security services.

Nerdio aims to make it easier and cheaper for MSPs and enterprises to deploy Azure cloud services, Azure Virtual Desktop and Windows 365 productivity and collaboration tools, and Microsoft is its top partner as a result.

It is currently holding its annual NerdioCon event for partners in Punta Cana, the Dominican, attended by around 600 MSPs and resellers. Yesterday, IT Europa reported on the rapid annual growth of the company, and Nerdio is continuing to nail its banner to the Microsoft mast.

With VMware’s channel programme being smashed and remoulded following its acquisition by Broadcom, and Citrix continuing to shrink in the virtualisation space, as a result of tough competition and corporate cost-cutting with job losses, Nerdio chief revenue officer Joseph Landes told attendees Microsoft was the only safe bet partners could now make in the desktop as-a-service (DaaS) space.

Microsoft was very much in attendance to back up the argument, and senior executives from the firm were keen to lay out their vision in key markets, backed up by their relatively small but perfectly formed partner Nerdio.

On AI, Erwin Visser (pictured), Microsoft Americas cloud solutions lead, said that while cloud adoption was initially much faster in the enterprise space when compared to SMB users, that wasn’t the case with AI. He maintained take-up was equal.

Why is this? Visser said that while the partner cloud sales conversation was with the IT department or the business owner acting with an “IT lens”, that isn’t the case with AI. The sales conversation is different with AI as its public persona has made SMB employees familiar with the concept and the potential benefits, and they are demanding it.

He told Nerdio partners they had to jump at the wider opportunity created, through differentiating their practice with new skills, adding higher margin services and deepening their customer relationship around AI.

“You have to move from being the CIO of your customers to being the COO of your customers,” said Visser.

“With this, you have to eat your own dog food, by using AI yourself in your business. The opportunity is yours to lead the AI transformation.”

In a separate keynote on improving cloud processes and security, Scott Manchester, Microsoft VP of product, Azure Virtual Desktop and Windows 365, said: “Before, as long as you were selling Windows, we were happy. We weren’t serious in the virtual desktop market, but that changed a few years ago. We decided to get closer to the partner community in this space.

“Going forward, Azure Virtual Desktop will see innovation around configuration, security and management.”

“Every time we release something new, Nerdio enables you to get even more value from it.”

To stress the point on this Valentine’s Day, it’s certainly a love-in that is priceless for Nerdio.

More to follow from NerdioCon 2024...