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Thales offers monitoring for Dutch service providers

Thales has opened its first integrated network operations centre (NOC) and security operations centre (SOC) in the Netherlands, to offer combined monitoring services to enterprises and service providers in that country.

Since assets in the new NOC/SOC are monitored from the Netherlands, data will remain in that country for those that demand it, said Thales, with sensitive information viewed only by screened personnel. “Being able to deliver these secure integrated managed services in the Netherlands is a first for Thales,” said the French-headquartered firm.

By monitoring systems availability and cyber security simultaneously, the provider says it can intervene “quickly” in the event of an incident, “shortening any downtime and reducing damage”. Thales has over 15 years’ experience in managed cyber security services worldwide, operating its five Cybersecurity Operations Centers in France, the UK, the Netherlands, Canada and Hong Kong. 

“This is the next step in our provision of services, as a result of which we are the first to offer 24/7 monitoring of assets and IT security on Dutch soil," said Mark Donderwinkel, VP of Thales secure communications and information systems.

He said: "As a result of Covid-19, much more use is being made of remote collaboration tools. This is making organisations more vulnerable and the number of cyber attacks is rising sharply.

“Now that we are in a phase of opening up our infrastructure and networks, it is crucial that downtime is kept to the absolute minimum. In order to achieve this, better monitoring is necessary, both of assets and of computer and network activities.”