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Trustmarque's CRO Hutchinson to step down

Donovan Hutchinson is leaving his position as CRO at MSP Trustmarque after a year, effective at the end of March. 

Hutchinson joined the firm to lead sales, marketing, and alliances and now plans to pursue his passion for diversity, equity, and inclusion, among other personal interests. 

He said: “As I look upon the last 12 months, I am proud of the impact we have made at Trustmarque and success we have achieved for our customers, communities, and partners."

CEO Simon Williams added: “Donavan has played a pivotal role in elevating DEI awareness and early in careers across Trustmarque, and we thank him for his dedication to these causes. We will be working with Donavan over the coming weeks to ensure a smooth transition period.”

Hutchinson’s departure has already prompted Trustmarque to start searching for his successor immediately.