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US SAP Gold partner opens EMEA HQ in Spain

US SAP Gold partner opens EMEA HQ in Spain

DataXstream, a US-headquartered SAP Gold partner for sales and distribution systems, has widened its European sales effort through opening an EMEA office in Barcelona, Spain.

It has also appointed Jean-Jérôme Peytavi as president of DataXstream EMEA. Peytavi will work with regional DataXstream partners, as well as with SAP teams across Europe, to bring solutions to B2B customers that are struggling with complex sales and order management needs.

“JJ’s proven track record for developing strategies and solutions that meet complex customer needs, as well as his diverse background and effective leadership across many industries, make him ideally suited to take DataXstream to this next level,” said Tim Yates, chief executive officer for DataXstream. “Opening the EMEA office is an exciting milestone for the company.”

“There is a significant need for B2B organisations to invest in a more efficient, future-ready platform that can seamlessly integrate disparate channels, and deliver real-time visibility into sales orders, product availability, customer information, and more,” added Peytavi.

“DataXstream’s OMS+ cross-channel order management platform solves this complexity by integrating all the data, from all the sales channels, into a single platform so that each channel delivers a consistent experience to the end customer. Opening the EMEA office demonstrates our commitment to serving SAP customers in Europe who are struggling with these complex sales order management issues.”