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The best offense is a layered defense: combating the most urgent phishing threats

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Event Date:  April 26, 2022 at Event Time:  15:00

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There’s no question 2021 was the year of vulnerabilities. Whether we’re talking about pandemic fatigue or the exploitation of critical business software, organisations of all sizes faced increased susceptibility to phishing attacks, putting their businesses and end users at significant risk.

From credential theft to ransomware, threat actors continue to change their tactics to get past security protocols. To help us better understand what constitutes a more resilient defense, we will be joined by the VP of sales for Cofense Protect & co-founder of Cyberfish, Amit Israel and CISO of Marco Technologies, Mike Burgard.

Join in and hear how the phishing landscape continues to adapt, taking aim on service providers and what we can do to minimise security weaknesses for our end users and customers.