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Ordina CEO leaves after taking tough decisions

Six years of turning the business round

Stépan Breedveld, CEO of Ordina has decided to leave the company effective 1 April 2017. He will be succeeded by Jo Maes, who has headed Ordina’s activities in Belgium/Luxembourg since 2014.

Breedveld has helped the business take some tough decisions and cut costs, moving back into profitability even though it remain dependent on the local public sector, which has not seen much growth.

Stépan Breedveld on his departure: “We have reached the final stages in the turnaround and Ordina is once again a healthy company. We are making a profit, we are starting to grow again and we are free of debt as of the end of the first half of 2016. Our tightened strategy is paying off and we have continued to invest in new employees, competencies and propositions. In addition, the cost savings programme has now been completed. For me, the past six years have been intense and we had to make substantial demands on our management and our employees. I have completed my task and this is a logical moment to decide to leave the company.”

Johan van der Werf, Chairman of the Supervisory Board: “As a result of his strategic insights and steadfast execution, Ordina can put a difficult period behind it. With our vision ‘IT that works for people’, Ordina is repositioning itself as an innovative partner. The company is in good shape with a solid basis for future growth.”