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Infrascale ramps up European channel operations

Business continuity vendor is under-represented in UK channel

As IT systems play an increasingly important role in the functioning of any business so protecting them and protecting the business from their possible failure becomes ever more crucial. Over recent years there has been enormous growth in the provision of security software, backup and disaster recovery as a service with lots of new technologies emerging and many new players entering the field.

One such company that is looking to establish a major presence in Europe is Infrascale. IT Europa caught up with its president, Michael Bell as an industry event in London last week.

“We have an office and we have appointed a VP of Europe, Phil Evans, and we are continuing to expand the UK presence. We have a few dozen partners already and we are looking for many more,” he said. “We have 800 partners worldwide so we are under-represented in the UK market at the moment, but we are looking to address that. We are committed to the UK and are backing up data to a UK datacentre.”

“The type of partners we are looking for are ones that are happy to work at the leading edge of business continuity solutions, that can help take such technologies to market and can help us spread the word. Right now our model is single tier and we are looking to engage directly with MSPs. Our sweet spot at the moment is SMEs.”

But Infrascale’s European ambitions don’t stop at the UK. “The UK is our starting point, but we have a datacentre going live in Germany in September. That may be our next market to penetrate and we believe the Netherlands and Northern Europe also have great potential for us.”

Bell cites Infrascale’s partnership with AVG as playing an important role in its growth and penetration of the European market: “Many partnerships between companies are quite superficial. Our partnership with AVG is very strong. Firstly we are marketing together. We are also engaging with customers jointly and our technology is integrated so that all the functionality for backup and recovery can be accessed through AVG’s RMS.


The trend towards the provision of security software, backup and disaster recovery as a managed service and the opportunities it presents for vendors, MSPs and other channel organisations will be a major theme at the Managed Services & Hosting Summit in September. For further information visit: