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Ingram Micro builds central European team

Integrating the German-speaking region with Hungary; search for new value business vendor relations head

Ingram Micro has shaken up the management in central Europe, with changes to the newly created Austria, Switzerland and Hungary (ACHH) cluster and for Sweden.

Ernesto Schmutter, formerly executive director International Business Europe, is to succeed Marcus Adae as chairman of the board of management at Ingram Micro Technology Solutions in Germany. Marcus Adae will be leaving the company.

"Marcus Adae has led Ingram Micro Germany through an eventful year, during which, important strategic restructuring took place and the integration of Ingram Micro Mobility was successfully concluded. I would like to express our sincere gratitude for his efforts," said Gerhard Schulz , EVP for the company in Europe. "Ingram Micro Europe will continue to grow together even more in future. Ernesto Schmutter's appointment as vice president Germany takes account of this European orientation. He was successful in expanding the DC/POS business in Europe from 2011 and, since last year, has also managed the international and value business in Europe."

Ernesto Schmutter joined Ingram Micro in 1995 and initially assumed various management functions in product management. In 2008, he was appointed senior director and assumed the management of SMB sales and marketing communications.

The appointment of Ernesto Schmutter as vice president Germany at Ingram Micro Technology Solutions in Germany goes hand in hand with the restructuring of management in the DACHH region. Ernesto Schmutter will concentrate on Ingram Micro Germany's business and helping to structure the European business model.

Florian Wallner, managing director at Ingram Micro Austria until now, will at the same time extend his area of responsibility to include the position of executive director Austria, Switzerland, Hungary. He will report directly to Gerhard Schulz and will also join the European leadership team. Thomas Maurer, managing director Switzerland, and Ferenc Lazar, managing director Hungary, will report directly to him along with the Austrian team. The organisations in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Hungary will continue to cooperate very closely, the distributor says. Florian Wallner joined Ingram Micro Austria as CFO in June 2001 and has held the position of managing director, Technology Solutions since September 2008. In February 2013, he was additionally appointed managing director, Ingram Micro Mobility for Austria.

Sabine Howest, executive director, strategic partner relations and business intelligence, will assume interim responsibility for vendor relations for the European value business until a successor for Ernesto Schmutter is appointed. Gerhard Schulz will assume temporary responsibility for the Pan Europe business division.

Also as part of the raft of changes being announced today, Derrick Wood, executive director Sweden, will exit his current role the end of the year. Derrick has contributed to turning around the Swedish business over the course of 2014. As a consequence, Anders Wickstrom has been appointed to the role of managing director, Sweden, Techology Solutions. Anders will report directly to Gerhard Schulz and join the European leadership team. Anders joined Ingram Micro Sweden in 2004 as director, business unit, and has played an integral role in the Swedish leadership team since.