Orange Cyberdefense is introducing two MS365 Defender-supporting managed services to enhance cybersecurity as part of its collaboration with Microsoft.
The two new services add to Orange’s MDR services based on Microsoft Sentinel, launched in 2022.
Laurent Célérier, EVP for Technology & Marketing at Orange Cyberdefense, said: “The launch of these two services is an important step forward to create a one-stop-shop for all Microsoft-related activities within Orange Cyberdefense to empower every organisation to stay secure.”
The firm said its Managed Workspace Protection with MS365 Defender can combat common risks such as endpoints, identities, emails and web experience.
Microsoft 365 Defender's Managed Threat Detection offers security incident management, remote response, threat hunting and custom detection rules.
Shirley Strachan, Global Partner Development Strategy Leader, Microsoft Security said: “Our collaboration with Orange Cyberdefense combines an in-depth understanding of Microsoft offerings and a vision for ensuring the success of our customers in their security journey.”