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Progress adds ZeroFOX to portfolio to meet "growing social media threat"

Progress Technology Services has added ZeroFOX to its portfolio of cyber security, networking and data governance technologies. ZeroFOX specialises in providing social media & digital protection solutions, providing resellers and MSPs with a means of safeguarding clients from security, brand and physical risks across social, mobile, web and collaboration platforms.

The ZeroFOX Platform uses diverse data sources and artificial intelligence-based analysis to identify and remediate targeted phishing attacks, credential compromise, data exfiltration, brand hijacking, executive and location threats, it says. Its SaaS technology processes and protects posts, messages and accounts across a range of social and digital platforms including LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, mobile app stores, domains and the dark web.

Speaking at the recent Progress Technology Services partner conference, Ali Cannavino, Channel Director EMEA at ZeroFOX (pictured) outlined how the threat landscape had changed over recent years. Just a few years ago organizations had no visibility of social media and shied away from it, “now it is one of the main business platforms for all organizations and financial services,” she said, citing research from a recent ZeroFOX threat report. “Sixty one percent of people are using mobile banking. More and more this is now moving to digital channels as opposed to your phone. Three quarters of bankers are saying that social media is important to growing business and more and more we see that customer engagement and customer support is being maintained on social media and digital channels - it's where customers are consuming this information.”

As the use of social media continues to rise, the number attacks in this area are increasing “at an astounding rate” with “phishing emails, social phishing, spear phishing, fake domains and profiles and fake executive profiles” amongst the weapons being used. “The big trends that we've seen are growth in data sources and the increasing maturity of the attacks that are being launched. And of course, the attackers themselves and the sophistication of what they're doing, the tools that they're using, the data sources that they're leveraging. as well as the attack surfaces.”

According to Cannavino, the social media threat is “not new, it's just growing. What our customers and your customers need to be doing is to be proactively, not just reactively, monitoring all of these threats outside of their perimeter.” To facilitate this the ZeroFOX platform is configured and licensed to reflect the type of assets that a client wishes to protect such as brands, domains, executives, products, social media accounts.