A new survey by NetApp has revealed that UK organisations' inadequate data storage practices are resulting in an annual cost of up to £3.7bn for the private sector.
According to the recent Data Waste Index, which surveyed key IT decision-makers in the UK, discovered that 41% of stored data has no valid reason for being saved.
Matt Watts, Chief Technology Evangelist at NetApp, said: “What this research shows is that UK organisations are creating a landfill of data, and as volumes continue to increase it businesses will only pay a higher cost, both in monetary terms and to the environment.
The survey also found that 61% of IT leaders anticipate growth in their data estates, while 44% believe reducing data estates is necessary for operational efficiency in the next year.
Watts added: “Crucially, organisations know they need to act. And that they must act soon or else risk the problem becoming overwhelming.”