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Logitech makes plans for the “new normal” in collaboration

As a vendor in video collaboration, Logitech has had a busy few weeks. And it is also juggling support for channels and a wide channel engagement through its new partner programme Logitech ONE.

Wayne Mason, B2B Channel Lead, Logitech UK tells IT Europa: “We are busy – a lot of partners are still working hard – there is increased demand. We saw a dynamic shift away from group working to the personal workspace and remote working. I think everyone has ridden that wave and the challenges"

Until January he was EMEA director for advanced networking and infrastructure at distributor Nuvias, and has also worked at distributors Westcon and Imago so understands the channel. 

With what he feels is a solid brand and processes in place in the supply chain, the business rode the challenge quite well and is helping drive a lot of major projects.

“I feared that the room-based meeting projects would stop, but they have continued through our high-touch team engaging with partners and users. They are doing up to five end-user demos in a day, and although slowing, projects are looking to complete this quarter,” he says.

There had been a rising demand for video collaboration hardware and consequent demand from channel partners even before the crisis. “Yes, there may be a long term shift. I started with Tandberg and have been doing video collaboration for over twenty years. As people have experienced it and become more confident with the technology, business will be looking at how they work and whether they need all the big offices. We can be more productive in new ways. But it needs managing -  I have also seen people having back-to-back meetings all day on video without breaks, so there is a lot of working smarter needed. It can be very intensive and needs to be related to human needs.”

Logitech has a lot of resources available through  the Logitech One and it has been a challenge to launch it and get it aligned globally, he says. The programme itself address many different partners from integrators s to broadline partners and specialists, and has to resonate with each part of that.

“One of the things I have done is about how Logitech can work with the partners with our high-touch teams, and ensuring partners get enough value. The partner portal is very good and we can see that it is working through adoption rates. Deal registration is working well and it is all resonating; we just need to get the message to partners.

There is no particular partner type being targeted – lots of partners of all types have customers also looking at Logitech. “The channel is vital because they own the relationship with the customer. All I want to attract is partners that want to engage with us. We can put our weight behind them and drive it. There are plenty of partners we are just starting to t work with, and we are adding to the product portfolio, which is exciting.”

“I think there will be a rebalancing when we get to the new normal we’ll see room systems pick up.”

One of the things that underpins the sales message is the strategic partnerships with Microsoft Teams, Zoom and Google. Logitech is aware that this ecosystem play is a strategic role with partners. “As we extend the portfolio, it becomes more of a strategic decision and complements what the other vendors are doing. And there is plenty to aim at - we’ve recently added relationships with Barco who have a strong partner community, but who have not yet had a big exposure to what Logitech offers. “

The key is focus on the ecosystem partners and enable differentiation by those partners.

“We are trying to make plans for the year. AS a team we are used to working remotely, and so it is all about staying in contact with partners – some are having a tough time – and how do we keep that partnership going in the current crisis. The economy will bounce back and the projects that have slowed will be back. There may be a long term cultural shift, but currently we are supporting partners and customers, especially in the public sector, and making sure we are ready for the return to ‘normal’.”