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PC price rise leads to high channel revenues in Europe

Western Europe's largest distributors saw revenues from PC sales continue to rise in early Q1 2019 after a significant increase last year, according to data published by researcher CONTEXT. PC revenues were up by +6% year-on-year during the first two months of the year – to €2 billion – on the back of a +5% growth last year. The ongoing growth is driven by a rise in average sell prices (ASPs) in distribution, which has compensated for volumes remaining flat in 2018 and dropping slightly in early 2019.

In early Q1 2019 the distributor ASP for PCs across Western Europe was €622, up +7% on the same period last year, when it stood at €582. In 2018 as a whole, PC ASPs were up +4% on 2017 . While currency fluctuations and the need for vendors to offset rising component costs spurred the initial rise in prices, the more recent increases have generally been driven by a move toward higher-value systems.

“This product-mix shift is the result of commercial sales outperforming consumer systems, and so forming a larger proportion of products sold, as well as increasing demand for high-value items such as premium notebooks, gaming machines and workstations”, said Marie-Christine Pygott, senior analyst at CONTEXT.


Early Q1-19 year-on-year PC revenue performance (in local currency)

Germany (EUR)                     5.6%

Italy (EUR)                             16.6%

France (EUR)                         1.5%  

Spain (EUR)                           -0.2%

Netherlands (EUR)               -0.6%

Belgium (EUR)                      31.8%

Portugal (EUR)                      16.4%

Austria (EUR)                         13.3%

United Kingdom (GBP)            1.9%

Switzerland (CHF)                   -0.8%