Tech Data has launched an IT Hardware Technical Apprenticeship scheme and is hoping to mirror the success of its training for new salespeople, which is now in its third year. A cohort of seven, drawn from Tech Data colleagues who have been with the company for some time and others who are relatively new, have been enrolled on the scheme. Over the next 15 months, they will be put through a series of training modules that will enable them to acquire the skills to deliver good technical services and advice.
The training modules will cover a variety of disciplines, technologies, and vendors, some of which will be provided by CompTIA. They will include foundation courses in Cybersecurity and DevOps, and ITIL4 project management training. Apprentices will finish the course with six recognised technical accreditations.
Andy Brown (pictured), Technical Services Director at Tech Data, UK and Ireland, said: “We had already adopted a policy of promoting from within and that evolved into the idea of a full-blown apprenticeship scheme. The sales programme has been a great success and we’re hoping we can reach the same high standards with the technical version.”
The initiative is all about making sure Tech Data is focused on the customer, he added. “This is a positive investment in the professional development of our colleagues and a commitment to helping them develop their capabilities and careers. Ultimately, it is all about delivering the highest standards and quality of service and support to our reseller partners.”
The IT Hardware Technical Apprenticeship scheme will aim to emulate the success of Tech Data’s existing sales-focused apprenticeship programme. In September last year, this scheme was rated 15th in the RateMyApprenticeship’s Top 100 Employers Table – up from 60th the previous year. Sandie Jackson, Apprenticeship Programme Manager at Tech Data, UK and Ireland, said at the time that the success of the programme, which has only been running for two years, was due to a combination of a positive attitude, detailed preparation, and harnessing natural energy reserves.
“The sales apprentices follow a carefully planned and structured programme. They learn about their own strengths and weaknesses, plus how to work as a team. Capturing the enthusiasm, encouraging drive, getting the buy-in from managers across the business to support the scheme and only releasing the apprentices to teams when they are ready are also important.”